Saturday, September 5, 2020

How to Update OPNSense to a specific version

Two days ago, I updated my OPNSense to version 20.7.2.  Then I started experiencing issue with my connection.  My connection would cut off after a few hours and I could not get onto the firewall.  Luckily, I have a backup of my configuration so reinstalling the firewall should not be a big problem.

Now, I have this issue of bring the firewall up to date.  If I use the standard method to update the firewall, it will update it to the latest version, i.e. 20.7.2 which is the version I had problems with.  Hence, I need a way to bring my firewall to the last good version, e.g. 20.7.1.

After consulting the know-it-all Google, here is what I found.  On the firmware settings page, rather than using the default flavor, choose "(other)".  In the box underneath, specify the version you want to update to, e.g.

<major version>/MINT/<decimal version number>/OpenSSL


Save the settings, and then press the "Check For Update" button as usual.  You now should get an update offer to the version you specified.

I hope I don't need to do this again in the future, but I guess this is something good to know.


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